As teachers you stand upon the highest peak in education, for what teaching can compare in priceless value and in far-reaching effect with that which deals with man as he was in the eternity of yesterday, as he is in the mortality of today, and as he will be in the forever of tomorrow. Not only time but eternity is your field

-J. Reuben Clark Jr.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The results are in...

The class made just over 900 dollars at the talent show last night!!!! They were so excited as they came in this morning. It was great. Also, concerning lessons: I feel like i'm getting the hang of things and I feel much more confident when teaching. Today I was in charge of teaching social studies to the class. I had 25 min. to teach my students about the war of 1812. It was a little bit hectic but the lesson went well all things considered. I was able to keep the topic informative and interesting. The students were very good today during my lesson. It is impressive to me how dedicated to the lessons my students are.
I also had the chance to work with a student during Math. This girl transferred into the class recently and is just learning English so she is behind in some aspects. I was working with her on multiplication. I would give her a problem to solve and she would think about it for a minute before giving me the answer. When I asked her how she found the answer she said she used her points of contact. I told her I didn't know what those were and she looked at me incredulously and said "you are at BYU and don't know your points!?" Apparently the points are important to know... This is the same student who, the other day, had this conversation with me while I was working with her on reading.
Her: Reading "He is just an Arrogant..." What is arrogant?
Me: When someone is arrogant they are kind of stuck up.
Her: What is that?
Me: Stuck up is when you think you are better than everyone else.
Her: Ohhhh okay
Me: Let's keep reading.
Her: "J-E-R-K" ohhh they used a bad word! I can't believe it. Can you believe that?
Me: That just is work that they have to do, like you have homework.
Her: Do you have homework?
Me: Yes I do.
Her: Even at BYU!?
Me: Yeah I have lots of it.
Her: Then what are you doing here?
Me: This is part of my classwork. I am studying to be a teacher.
Her: You! You are going to be a teacher?
Me: Yeah I am... Should we keep reading?

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